Dear Santa,
Well, it is that time of year again... Time that I can use your pending arrival as leverage. I love that I can say, "Santa is watching you!" or "You better stop it or you are going to be on the naughty list!"
As my boys prepare their lists for you, they would like to make sure we are clear on a few things...
1. They do not want a drum set, no matter what they say. Any such gift will be immediately confiscated.
2. Actually, they do not want anything that makes a lot of noise. Period.
3. They do not want things they will be tempted to throw inside my house, thus breaking something. The Angry Birds game is definitely out of the question.
4. They still don't seem to understand that you are not made of money Santa. They think they can make a list and just keep adding to it. For example, Hayden wants the xbox connect (or whatever it is called) and pretty much everything else in the Toys R Us catalog. Maybe when he sits on your knee, you can explain to him that your little elves are working overtime and may not get around to the xbox. (Or maybe you could let the mailman know to STOP delivering those darned catalogs!)
5. They really do appreciate the socks and underpants. One of them may be eating the socks. We never seem to find matches. So, we will take all the socks your little elves can make.
6. They act like they don't like to wear matchy pajammies, but they do. Trust me they do! Oh and if you have some adult size that will match, I am sure Tom would love to be all matchy matchy too!
In closing, I would like to thank you for taking the time to read this. I will try really hard to get you some homemade cookies for helping us out. I hope I don't sound all "grinchy" like... I mean I hope THEY don't sound all "grinchy" like. I am just the messenger.
Don't mess it up Santa.
Much love,