Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Time for me...

It is no secret... I have always struggled with my weight.  I have always been jealous of those who could eat what they wanted and never gain a pound.  I have always felt like I gain weight if I look at something fattening!

I turned to food for comfort, when I was bored or just when I knew something tasted good.  I also used my pregnancies to justify eating whatever I wanted.  

For years, I have sought ways to "fix" this problem... I have tried every diet known to man.  I would start out great, but then when I wasn't losing the weight as quickly as I wanted I would get frustrated and give up.  I think this is called yo- yo dieting.

Last Summer, I noticed that a gym would be going in the shopping center close to our house.  For the longest time, I had thought it would be so nice to have a workout facility close to our house.  This way there is no excuse to not workout.  The name of this new gym was Spike Fitness.  I went to check it out and met Spike and Debbie Johnson.  Little did I know that at that point, my life would be forever changed.

When the gym opened, I was there the first day and tried a zumba class.  I loved it!  I then took a spinning class and it reminded me of how good it feels to work out and feel that energy.  Soon after that, a few girls and I decided to start personal training with Steve Burke.  I have to say it is the best money I have ever spent!  He makes me work hard and do things that I never thought I could do.

From all of this I have realized that I need to start putting my self first.  That is such a hard thing for a mommy to do (especially when your kids are a HANDFUL!)  But, I knew I needed to do this for my kids, for my husband and most importantly for myself.

I know this will be a struggle for the rest of my life, but I hope that one day my struggle with weight and food won't consume my everyday.  I have taken the steps to have a more healthy, active lifestyle!

So, here's to me! :)


  1. I'm proud of you, keep up the hard work!

  2. I totally understand your struggles too! I eat when I'm bored, sad, etc. Every diet known to man and then some. I won't be making it to Spike anytime soon but I am developing a love hate relationship with my treadmill. I love how I feel after, I hate trying to find the time to do it. Keep up the good work, you are beautiful and you deserve it!

  3. There are so many of us that struggle out there with this same issue. I look back and ever since I was in the 5th grade I've been heavy. It could be a lot worse, we could be addicted to drugs, porn, gambling, or alcohol. (speaking for myself) Unforunely I can't hide mine. Its always right behind me!!!! But I've also found Isagenix. Google it. I've lost 20 lbs on it. It really might be a fit for you too. Let me know... I have connections. Haha. Keep plugging along. I always tell myself I have been working for 28 yrs to make these bad habits and they aren't going to go away. I wish there was a magic pill to take a poof it would be all gone. Wishful thinking on my part. Keep up the new mindset. That's where it all is, in our minds. I'm proud of you!!!!!
