Sunday, March 3, 2013

What if...?

Have you ever listened to the song by Garth Brooks called "Unanswered Prayers"?  I mean, really listened?  Tonight, I was rocking Keegan to sleep (yes, he is almost 2 and still loves to be rocked to sleep and I love taking time out to just sit and rock with him) and that song was stuck in my head.  It got me thinking.... what if?  What if God would have answered one of those prayers of mine long ago? What if he would have thought, "Ok, Jenn... I'll give you this one"?  What would my life look like today?  What would my life be missing if He would have answered one of those prayers?  Something deep inside of me tells me that those prayers were probably never an option, but I still wonder about it.  Even though there have been struggles, I know Tom and I have been abundantly blessed.  Today has been on of those days where I thank God for all of those Unanswered Prayers.    

Around this time of year, when all of my kids are celebrating their birthdays (Grayson- Feb, Hayden- March and Keegan- April) I always get really nostalgic thinking about the day they were born and how their little lives changed my life so quickly.  It is still quite easy to see how they change my life everyday.  

Hayden was the trailblazer... he was lucky enough to "teach" us how to be parents. He'll probably need years of therapy!  We thought we had it all figured out by the time Grayson came along, only to find out that kids aren't the same.  By the time Keegan came along, we really thought we had it all together!

These boys of mine are certainly a source of entertainment.  Just read my Facebook and you will see all of the entertaining things they say and do.  They are a source of pride.  They have made me so proud with their grades, sports and many other accomplishments.  They have also been a source of instruction.  It has always been said that children should come with instruction manuals.  It shouldn't be a "one size fits all" instruction manual.  There should be one instruction manual written per child.  

Would I give all this up to be living somewhere else?  Or to be married to that other guy? Or to be working in a different profession?  Nope.  Absolutely not.

"Sometimes I thank God for unanswered prayers 
Remember when you're talkin' to the man upstairs 
That just because he doesn't answer doesn't mean he don't care 
Some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers"

-Garth Brooks, Unanswered Prayers. 


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